Today i would like to talk about Body Confidence.
I am probably the worst offender when it comes to having no self confidence, I was bullied at school (for any number of reasons and, many times, for no reason at all) so for years it was hammered into me that i wasn't good enough, i was ugly, i was unfashionable, i was fat.
To be truthful, looking back, i wasn't fat, i was actually skipping lunch so i could have enough money to buy cigarettes , and lost a lot of weight in the process. Am i ugly? I'm not sure, some days i like the look of my face, and some days i don't. Unfashionable? Probably, we didn't have much money for name brand clothes(which is oh-so-important apparently).
Those 8 long years of being bullied, day in, day out, just for being me, took their toll, and being an impressionable teenager, full of hormones, still growing into myself and my body, i believed them. That i wasn't good enough. I was ugly. I was fat.
After leaving school, it was only then that i started to look at myself in a different light. I got angry! So unbelievably MAD that i let those girls get to me and hit me where it hurt!
Why the hell should i feel bad for being me?
I didn't choose to look the way i do, i didn't choose to be shy at school, i didn't choose for our family to have little money.
But i know what i did choose.
I chose not to give a flying f*ck about what people (or Society) thought of me!
I am choosing to get fit to show MYSELF that i can bloody well do it and come out on the other side fighting!
Which brings me to the other point of this post.
Staying motivated.
Every time i feel rubbish i am going to come back and re-read this.
Do you have a similar story? Then go away and write down every single reason why you want to do this and put it somewhere you can see it.
You are going to have days where you just cannot be bothered to do a single workout.That's fine!
Do not feel bad about it!
Don't punish yourself for being human. The world isn't going to end just because you had a lazy day.