
Thursday 6 August 2015

A Peaceful Place

Ok, so this blog is to separate my yoga practice from everything else that i talk about on my other blog, because i know that some followers probably won't be interested in my ramblings about yoga, so if you are here from my other blog (or by any other means), welcome! 

As some of you know, i started practising almost 3 weeks ago, i've processed so much information in this time, but i still have so much to learn!

Already i've began to make subtle changes in my life.
The picture above is my practice and reading space, piled with blankets and cushions for support when i need it.
I crocheted a pair of yoga socks, to keep my feet warm (i feel the cold very easily) but that allow me to grip the mat

I decided the living room needed a splash of colour, it looks washed out in the photo, but in real life it really is quite beautiful! In the corner behind the bookshelf you can see what currently passes for my mat, a piece of foam pinched from the sofa bed in the spare room.

I've noticed that my breathing has changed, and i really look forward to getting up in the morning so i can start my routine and try new poses.

I'm not looking for perfection (but a little would be nice!) i took this picture to see where i could improve, this is the Downward Facing Dog,  and i can see that i need to relax my spine a little.
My arms look a odd as they are double jointed.

I've began devouring any articles i can find that talk about different styles of yoga, poses, methods of breathing, and i am really, really enjoying the process! 

I  also smoke, and already i've realised that it will probably be impossible to pursue practising yoga and continue smoking at the same time. I'm not promising miracles mind you, it's early days yet, but as a start i am cutting down.
Yay! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you've made a great start, and well done for cutting down on your smoking too - not an easy thing to do! I'm sure that as your yoga practice progresses and you become more mindful then it will be easier for you to give up. I do like your yoga socks, and if you ever want to have a go at knitted ones then I've got tutorials on my blog to help - I believe that everyone can knit socks! xx


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